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A Quick Update


Death's Curses Audiobook

Thanks to the generosity of a familial investor, the audiobook for Death's Curses was given the green light WAY ahead of schedule. I've hired a narrator and, after scrolling through Fiverr and ACX seemingly forever, I've found an excellent audio editor. My trusty cover artist friend has created a cover for it already. The process has officially begun. We're aiming for a January 2022 release date so stay tuned! Are you excited? I'm excited!!!

The Andromeda's Captain (Andromeda Chronicles : Book 2)

The final editing stage for The Andromeda's Captain is complete! The cover art is almost finished too. I just saw a mock cover and it's beautiful! Can't wait to share it with all of you. I also heard from my publisher that review copies will be available in NetGalley soon. Are you interested in a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review? Here is the link :

If you don't see it listed, keep checking! In the mean time, grab a copy of The Andromeda's Ghost, the first book in this trilogy. It's available in ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audio! The third book, The Andromeda's Crew, is currently in the hands of my beta readers. I'll be submitting it to my publisher for consideration as soon as I've gotten their notes and applied the necessary edits. Who knows? We may be seeing the final installment in this series come to life in 2023.

Newsletter Signups

For those of you who don't know, aside from this website, I also have a monthly newsletter that I send out with only the most important highlights concerning my books and kids, as well as an indie author highlight section (Beccamendations). If you're more interested in that than in reading my long-winded, carefully-crafted, sentimental blog posts, you can sign up here and I'll throw in a free ebook :


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